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Michigan splint and virtual articulator

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2S 38M


– Criteria for the quality of intraoral scanning for the manufacture of splints;– Virtual articulation system - what is it and how to apply;– Editing of scans into a virtual articulator by average parameters;– Installation of scans into a virtual articulator according to the data of the facebow;– Finding the point of the first contact and virtual re-mounting at 0;– Criteria for determining the vertical dimension for modeling the Michigan splint;– Optimal parameters for stable fixation of the splint;– Modeling of the Michigan splint;– Calculation of articulation and completion of the occlusal surface, depending on the goals of the splint;– Creation of models for 3D printing;– Questions and common mistakes.

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Dozenten (1 Personen)

Зубной техник, независимый дизайнер и тренер по Exocad.

Сертифицированный инструктор Ceramill CAD/CAM System (AmannGirrbach AG).

Руководитель отдела развития CAD/CAM в компании ARTICON (2018-2021).

Руководитель дизайн-студии ABDC и образовательного проекта EXOSKILLS.

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