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Intraoral scanners usage in statics and dynamics

4.00 (4 Stimmen)

69 $

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Was ist inbegriffen:
1S 40M
1.25 CE Credits (ADA CERP)
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– How does the intraoral scanner function?

– Types of scanners

– The main problems that occur during intraoral scanning

– Which intraoral scanner should I choose for my clinic? Detailed comparison of models from different manufacturers

– Detailed stages of intraoral scanning:

- Preparing the scanner and computer

- Ergonomics during scanning

- Scanning strategy: how should I move the scanner sensor in the oral cavity?

- Processing scanning result

- Additional programs for intraoral scanners

- Reception-transfer to the laboratory

- Image postprocessing.

– Features of intraoral scanners using in implant prosthetics

– Scanning of prepared teeth: the importance of the scanner resolution for ensuring the edge fit of the restoration

– Bite detection by intraoral scanners: central occlusion and centric relation registration using a leaf gauge

– Registration of dynamic occlusion

– Retraction of the gingival margin before scanning

– What is an prosthetic virtual key?

– Analysis of clinical cases.

Recommended for: Prosthodontists, Implantologists.

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Dozenten (1 Personen)

Graduated in Dentistry from the "Instituto Superior das Ciencias da Saude - Norte."  Porto Portugal.

Specialist in Aesthetic Dentistry.  Faculty of Dentistry, Univ. Complutense de Madrid.

Professor of the Clinical Course of Implantology Autonomous University of Madrid.

Director at Jacobo Somoza Institute.

Member of different scientific societies such as: The Spanish Society of Stomatological Prosthesis (SEPES) and the Spanish Society of Sleep (SES) - National and international lecturer of courses on Digital Dentistry, Aesthetics and Implantology.

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