
Jorge Casian


Kursen des Lektores 3

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Über mich

Dr. Jorge Casián is graduated from Dental School of the Universidad Intercontinental of México City. He received his degree in Pediatric Dentistry from UIC in 1988 and his degree in Orthodontics from IDAP, México City in 1999. Dr.Casián was professor of Pediatric Dentistry of the Universidad Veracruzana and has been professor of the Mexican Dental Association since 1991 and has numerous publications. International lecturer in Mexico, Spain, Paraguay, Colombia, Republic of Ecuador, Puerto Rico, Chile, United States, Uruguay, Egypt, Ukrain and South Korea. Dr. Jorge Casián has been involved with local and international Pediatric Dentistry associations, he was the Treasurer of Mexican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in 2015 and 2016. He was the President of Mexican Academy of Pediatric Dentistry in 2017-2018 and currently is Past-President of AMOP. He works in private practice as Pediatric Dentist and Orthodoncist in the state of Veracruz in Mexico.

Окончил Стоматологическую школу Межконтинентального университета Мехико.

Получил степень в области детской стоматологии в UIC в 1988 году и степень в области ортодонтии в IDAP, Мехико, в 1999 году. 

Профессор детской стоматологии в Университете Веракрусана и с 1991 года - профессор Мексиканской ассоциации стоматологов.

Международный лектор в Мексике, Испании, Парагвае, Колумбии, Эквадоре, Пуэрто-Рико, Чили, США, Уругвае, Египте, Украине и Южной Корее. 

Являлся президентом Мексиканской академии детской стоматологии и президентом AMOP.

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